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Study in Germany

Germany has gained widespread acclaim as the leading non-English-speaking study destination worldwide, attracting 350,000 international students. It has firmly secured its place among the top five study-abroad choices for students from around the globe, boasting over 13 esteemed universities that rank among the world's top 250 institutions.

With a comprehensive curriculum featuring an impressive selection of 20,000 courses and low tuition fees, Germany has positioned itself as an ideal overseas destination for international applicants, following closely behind Canada, the UK, and the USA.


In the 21st century, Germany has emerged as a global economic powerhouse, currently ranking as the world's fourth-largest GDP. This notable achievement further enhances the country's appeal as it offers excellent employment prospects for graduates, evidenced by its impressive employment rate of nearly 80%. Moreover, Germany has experienced a steady decline in unemployment rates over the past decade, making it an even more promising destination for international students pursuing their studies in Germany.

Why Study In Germany?

Low or No Cost of Education

German public universities offer international students the opportunity to pursue a Bachelor's or Master's degree without paying tuition fees. Instead, international students must only pay a nominal administrative fee or semester fee. This is one of the primary reasons why numerous Indian students opt to study in Germany.

Work Opportunities

Germany provides abundant work opportunities and actively encourages international students to remain in the country after completing their education to pursue employment. Renowned companies such as Daimler, BMW, Audi, Adidas, Siemens, and Bosch are among the leading recruiters, offering promising career prospects to graduates.

Practical orientation and hands-on learning

Many German universities prioritize practical learning, believing that applying knowledge in real-life situations is the most effective way to learn. This practical orientation is particularly prominent in study programs offered by the Universities of Applied Sciences.

At CBS, we foster collaboration with German companies in our business projects, enabling students to gain hands-on experience and prepare for their careers. These real-life work situations provide invaluable insights and skills students can apply beyond their university education.

Robust student visa

The visa options available for international students in Germany are highly favorable, especially regarding the regulations for staying in the country and traveling.

Upon obtaining your visa, you will enjoy visa-free travel throughout the entire Schengen area and have the opportunity to apply for a German residency permit that extends beyond your graduation. This provides an extended period of stay in Germany.


Are you prepared to embark on an international journey and pursue your studies in Germany? Begin your international education by enrolling in 365 CIES. Contact us today!

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